Friday, March 20, 2015

Illustration Spread for Little Flowers for Little Souls A Parable of Saint Therese of Lisieux

It's a rainy morning on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.  I've listened to my daily dose of Charles Stanley, hit my knees (in prayer) and had a yummy breakfast.  It's spring break... The kids are buzzing around me,  and life is good!  Itty Bitty Kitty is keeping me company while I set up my work area to begin an illustration.

I have already laid out my composition to fit perfectly the dimensions of the book layout using Photoshop.  This illustration will cover two full pages... Measuring 8.5 x 16.5 inches.  

I print out my composition, then use the graphite paper to transfer the image onto acrylic paper.

This is a close-up of the line drawing being transferred... I trace over my composition- pressing firmly.

I will know the transfer is complete when I have traced over all of my lines... They will be darker than the others.

The composition is transferred.

The canvas paper is ready to begin accepting acrylic glazes.